Monday, July 9, 2018

California Association of Licensed Investigators NLITE Program

A decorated military veteran, Michael Singleton has led as owner and lead investigator at Ironhorse Investigative Services in Norwalk, CA, since 2004. Actively involved in his field, Michael Singleton belongs to professional groups and associations such as the California Association of Licensed Investigators (CALI).

With roots dating back to 1947, CALI was formed by the merging of the California Association of Private Investigators and the Private Investigators Association of California in 1968. Since that time, the organization has emerged as the largest private investigator association in the world, serving more than 1,400 members through networking events, legislative advocacy, and certification programs. CALI also maintains a robust professional development program that includes the Newly Licensed Investigator Training and Education (NLITE) initiative.

The foundation of the CALI professional development program, NLITE is a day-long introductory course that provides enrollees with everything they need to know about being a licensed private investigator in California. Open to both CALI members and nonmembers, NLITE is designed for newly licensed investigators just beginning their careers. The registration fee for the course varies depending on CALI membership status and how long the attendee has been licensed as an investigator. To learn more about CALI and the NLITE program, visit

Monday, July 2, 2018

CALI Celebrates 50 Years at 2018 Annual Conference

Michael Singleton is an experienced investigator and the owner of Ironhorse Investigative Services in Norwalk, CA. Beyond his work with clients in Norwalk, CA and throughout the state, Michael Singleton engages with a number of local and national professional organizations, including the California Association of Licensed Investigators and the American Society for Industrial Security.

The California Association of Licensed Investigators (CALI) recently celebrated 50 years of service at the CALI 2018 Annual Conference in Long Beach, California. The special event featured a variety of guest speaker presentations over the course of three days, including Sandra Stibbards' Open Source Intelligence: Tools, Resources, and Techniques for Better Investigations, and Evaluating Truthfulness and Credibility by David Boone of FiveBy5 Intelligence. Other speakers included Chris Enss, author of The Pinks, and experienced investigator Bill Clutter.

The CALI 2018 Annual Conference Exhibitor Showcase, meanwhile, provided attendees with an opportunity to learn about the latest products and services that are shaping the industry. Research Electronics International and the Southern California Fraud Investigators Association were among the two dozen exhibitors present. The event also featured extensive networking opportunities, highlighted by the 50th Anniversary Gala Dinner and Party, as well as access to the CPI Examination.